Kiln dried beautiful Padauk Milled flat.
Padauk 3/4x6x48 2 Pack
One of the world’s natural wonders, Purpleheart comes from the jungles of Central & South America. It grows to heights of 120′ and can be as big as five feet in diameter.
It is commonly used to produce decorative detail in a variety of items such as guitars, turnings, boxes & cutting boards. It’s a dark, heavy strong wood that is consistent in color from end to end. The boards are available in long wide lengths with little to no knots which insures high yields. Wood workers like it because it readily accepts wood glue and finishes. It’s a very stable wood that is extremely resistant to decay.
Ultraviolet light will darken the wood with exposure overtime. It’s natural purple color is best maintained by applying three coats of clear of shellac followed by a light coating of basic spray lacquer. Sand between coats to insure a smooth finish. To insure an even longer vibrant color apply a high grade exterior grade varnish.
All boards are surfaced on all four sides.
This package contains 2 pieces of Exotic Purple Heart lumber that each measure 3/4″x 4″x 12”.